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Why You Need Vitamin D

Why You Need More Vitamin D

Many studies around the world especially in the last decade have shown that lower exposure to sun light and associated decreases in Vitamin D synthesis may play a role in the development of many health conditions.

Treatment of Vitamin D has been shown to have beneficial effects for many. According to the National Institutes of Health, and similar research has shown that Vitamin D may play a role in the treatment and prevention of the following health conditions and related diseases listed below.

Arthiritis, Bone, Cancer, Diabetes, Flu Prevention, Heart, Immune Booster, Mental Health, Pregnancy and many  more...

Bone Health: Osteoporosis, Osteomalcia, Rickets - Osteoporosis is most often associated with inadequate calcium intake. However, a deficiency of vitamin D also contributes to osteoporosis by reducing calcium absorption. Adequate of vitamin D help keep bones strong and may help prevent osteoporosis. especially in older adults, post-menopausal women, and in individuals on chronic steroid therapy. Vitamin D is essential for the efficient utilization of calcium by the body. Maintains Your Calcium Balance is vital for normal functioning of the nervous system, as well as for bone growth, and maintenance of bone density.

Cancers - Preliminary human studies suggest that vitamin D may be protective against some cancers. Additional research concurs that Vitamin D has been shown to block the growth of cancer tumors. Vitamin D3 obtained from Sun or a Tanning Beds UVB light or oral Vitamin D supplements as well as from food of Vitamin D.

Breast Cancer - A new Canadian study for vitamin D benefits revealed women who get some daily sunshine each day may have a significantly lower risk of developing breast cancer.

Ovarian Cancer - Annually in the USovarian cancer affects approximately 22,000 women. It is one of the most deadly cancers and sadly kills about 15,000 every year. Ovarian cancer is one of the top 19 cancers sensitive to vitamin D. One found that U.S. women with ovarian cancer were four times more likely to have low vitamin D blood levels than women without ovarian cancer.

Prostate Cancer - In the US each year, this disease affects about 240,000 men. Tragically approximately 34,000 die from it. According to several studies, sunlight has a direct effect on lowering prostate cancer risks. This is especially true for people who had early-to-midlife sun exposure. The ultraviolet-B (UVB) portion of sunlight stimulates the body to produce Vitamin D.

Assists in Cell Differentiation - Cellular differentiation results in the specialization of cells for specific functions in your body. Cellular proliferation is essential for growth and wound healing. But uncontrolled proliferation of cells combined with certain mutations may lead to diseases like cancer. If has been found that active form of vitamin D, inhibits proliferation and stimulates the differentiation of cells. Other studies have shown that rates of breast, colon, and rectal cancer decrease rapidly as vitamin D increases from very low values.

Heart Health - New research suggests that keeping levels of vitamin D high can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, the number one cause of death worldwide. Additionally other studies have found, those who had extremely low levels of the vitamin were almost twice as likely to have died or suffered a stroke as compared to those with adequate amounts. As well they also had more coronary artery disease and were twice as likely to have developed heart failure.

Blood Pressure Regulation and Hypertension - Adequate vitamin D levels may be important for decreasing the risk of high blood and hypertension. New studies highlighted even more vitamin D benefits for both sexes. It demonstrated that keeping blood levels of the sunshine vitamin high may help prevent cardiovascular disease in men.

Mental Health: Depression, Mood Swings, Holiday Blues, SADS

Depression - Recent medical research suggests that increasing daily intake of vitamin D benefits depression mood swings, and other psychiatric conditions, particularly in older people. Additional studies documented Vitamin D deficiency is strongly associated with depression, mood swings.

Holiday Blues - If you’re among the millions who experience holiday blues, due to increased social obligations, hectic, over-booked schedules, and the physical and financial strain of gift buying and entertaining then vitamin D benefits for depression could make a big difference.

Winter Woes - The change in season can potentially effect your mood, cold and flu resistance, and general health. During winter gray skies and sunny days are few and far between. It is has been reported that getting perhaps use of a tanning bed to help increase you Vitamin D levels may help.

Seasonal Affective Disorder - The psychological impact of long-term sunlight deprivation has been well-documented for many decades. One will eat and sleep more when they experience little or no sunlight for long periods. This deprivation is a disorder referred to as , seasonal defective disorder syndrome or SADS. And during seasons when the days grow shorter (thereby limiting sunlight), depression can set in is has been shown that as time lapses depression deepens, leading to apathy, a general feeling of hopelessness and even heightened levels of anxiety. It has been found that sunlight (or artificially simulated sunlight) can reduce the chances of seasonal affective disorder occurring.

Autoimmune Diseases: Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis - These are diseases that occur when the body launches an immune response to its own tissue, rather than a foreign pathogen. The results of several studies also indicated adequate Vitamin D intake may decrease the risk of autoimmune diseases.

Diabetes - Diabetes mellitus, a metabolic disorder in which the body produces insufficient insulin to properly process glucose or blood sugar, is among the most widespread conditions in the US. An estimated 20 million Americans are currently affected by the condition, and more than 40 millions Americans have pre-diabetes, also known as early type 2 diabetes. Recent international research confirmed that maintaining high vitamin D levels may help reduce diabetes, particularly among those who are already at risk. More research seems to show that Vitamin D D does have a serious potential as an anti-diabetes vitamin. When it comes to potential prevention and controlling the diabetes, it s equally important to maintaining a healthy weight, eating nutritious foods, and living an active lifestyle including regular exercise in are of tantamount importance. Vitamin D treatment is only one piece of the puzzle.

A Potential Role in Insulin Secretion - The active form of vitamin D plays a role in insulin secretion under conditions of increased insulin demand. Limited research on humans suggests that insufficient vitamin D levels may have an adverse effect on insulin secretion and glucose tolerance in type 2 diabetes.

Immune Booster / Swine Flu Prevention - There is plenty of scientific evidence that vitamin D has several different effects on immune system function that may enhance your immunity and inhibit the development of autoimmunity. As cold and flu season approaches, vitamin D’s benefits as one of the most effective immune boosters are more important than ever. A possible connection between vitamin D and the Swine flu was revealed during a Canadian study. Researchers said it could eventually lead to the use of the vitamin as a flu preventative. Medical research shows that maintaining high levels of vitamin D is one of the best immune boosters to help fight off colds and flu.

Pregnancy - Vitamin D benefits for pregnancy go far beyond ensuring that babies are born with strong bones. New research confirms that keeping blood levels of D vitamin high can significantly lower risk of illness and infections, while deficiency can lead to serious and even life-threatening problems for both mother and child.

Benefits Women In All Stages of Life - Without enough vitamin D women face significantly increased health risks at all stages of life. Vitamin D has long been recognized for its importance to bone strength, but a growing body of medical evidence indicates that it plays a crucial role in many aspects of women’s overall health.

Skin Conditions: Psoriasis and Eczema - There are certain skin conditions for which sunlight has proven an effective treatment. Psoriasis manifests as a skin inflammation. In mild cases, it can cause itching and minor discomfort. In severe cases, people afflicted with psoriasis can experience intense discomfort and even perpetual pain. Exposure to sunlight has been known to provide relief to those who suffer from this condition. Similarly, sunlight has also shown mild effectiveness in treating eczema (another inflammatory condition of the skin).

Alzheimers - Some studies has shown the correlation from Alzheimer's patients frequently are older, homebound, and typically don’t get enough sunlight to low levels of Vitamin D. And as we age less vitamin D is converted to its active form.

HIV - According to an expert panel representing the Endocrine Society, individuals who have been diagnoses as HIV positive may require triple the amount of the Vitamin D RDA standard in order to get maximum Vitamin D benefits.

Allergy Sufferers - Could Vitamin D benefit the seasonal allergy sufferers? Recent preliminary studies by Pittsburgh’s Allegheny GeneralHospital suggested the answer to yes.

More Positve Aspects of Sunlight

#1 Fact – When exposed to Sun or a Tanning Beds’ UVB light the human body will produce Vitamin D.

Did You Know - the human body is designed to determine exactly how much Sun or UVB light is necessary to produce Vitamin D. That means one will never overdose for too much Vitamin D produced by sun or uvb light.

#2 Fact – When the tanning process occurs from either Sunshine or a tanning bed, your skin will naturally darken. And darken of the skin creates the ability to enjoy natural sun protection of SPF lever 3-5.

Did You Know - A base tan may be the smartest approach to gradual sun or tanning bed exposure. A sun burn may result due to over exposure the sun or a tanning bed when we simply ignore common sense and get too much too soon too fast.

That means during the same time your body naturally produces Vitamin D, tanning or darkening of the skin takes naturally place too.

It’s important to remember that direct sunlight can be beneficial for the body. Finding the balance between shielding your skin from UV radiation while allowing your body to reap the benefits of direct sunlight begins with understanding these benefits.

History of Indoor Tanning Equipment

Indoor tanning beds were developed in Europe about 50 years ago. And approximately a decade later they arrived in North America. . Since then it is reported by the Indoor Tanning Association, ITA, that annually about 30 million indoor tanners visit, use tanning beds or tanning booths at facilities like tanning salons, hair, nail, beauty shops, fitness clubs or gyms.

In addition over the past 40 years in the US alone it is estimated that millions have purchased tanning systems for home use too. And that number continues to grow as they choose to invest tanning at home not only enjoy a golden glow but understand the healthy benefits of owning a home tanning bed or booth too.

ESB Tanning Beds FDA Approved.

Indoor tanning systems specifically tanning beds or tanning booths are designed to emit the same UVA and UVB healthy light as the sun. And in the US the FDA regulates all indoor tanning equipment. All ESB home tanning systems are approved by the FDA.

When used properly a tanning bed or tanning booth will provide the same health benefits as the Sun. ESB has always promoted sensible, smart tanning for developing both a base tan as well as enjoying a healthy glow all year round. Whether enjoying the Sun or tanning equipment the most important thing to remember is NEVER burn. That’s it just use common sense. Allow your body to slowly and naturally produce a tan and get your essential Vitamin D at the same time.